Sunday, November 30, 2008

Should we recycle friends?

As I sit towards the end of every year I start to get more and more introspective in the way I look at my life over the past year, and I persist on making the next year better than the last, I begin to thumb through my cell phone book and I think. Which people did I try to connect with over the last year, and either did not connect with, or this person is currently not trying to grow personally, and should I try and take this person through the next year of my life with me. I wonder am I the only person that does that? I realize that friendship is essential to the soul, but I also realize the age old mantra, "I could do bad by myself!"

I had one friend in particular, at least someone who I thought was a very good friend, is someone that to say the least has had a pretty bad year. I have tried to be there for this person,. be a shoulder for them, be a sounding board, but I began to think that I was enabling this person more than I was helping them. Now granted, this person was an excelent person for me to be around with and was a good friend for a season, but like that old pair of jeans, that just doesn't fit anymore, I think that persons time and resources as a friend would be better suited for someone else at this time. And, like that old pair of jeans, maybe in a couple of years, they can be repurposed. Is it bad to think like that?

I periodically try ( at least I think I do) to touch bases with everyone in my rolodex at least 12 times a year, and as we get closer to the end of the year, I find myself leaving the message, " Hey so and so, this is my last attempt to reach out to you, I would love to hear from you, but if I don't, hey it's been nice knowing you." I see that as a way of decluttering my life and letting them go. I do not know if that is some passive agressive b.s. that I picked up from my mother, (lord knows we all have something that we have, but that is another story...) but it seems to work for me. As I begin to do that, I wonder, am I the only one that does something like that, or is that something that is picking up,like paying backwards. And if it has not picked up, would I be a new trendsetter for something new. Well that is all I have for now, let me get back to recycleing. Peace.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

What makes a hero?

I have been watching CNN for the past weeks, and they have been talking about these hero awards that they are going to be giving out. And I started to wonder, what makes a hero? Is a hero someone who can survive a great deal of hardship, and not give up and die? Is a hero some one that can make a positive difference in some one elses's life? Is a hero someone that is totally altruistic in their actions? Or do we take the Ayn Rand approach and see that person who is a hero is someone that is totally selfish in all of their actions and we fail to see their selfishness, and damn that selfishness, or do we truly see and respect their selfishness in our subconscious and applaud it by giving them awards of some type.

Whenever I see things like that, I really start to question heroism, and what is true heroism, and I question my motives at the very foundations of my actions. I know I want to be a hero. Who really would not want to be a hero? Who really does not want to make a difference? I believe that part of the human condition is realizing that life itself is a series of decisions, and every decision has a direct effect upon the next series of decisions and outcomes that are laid out for us. I only hope, no, I pray that I can make the best decisions in my every day life that has the best possible outcome for everyone involved.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why now the best time to start a business…

I have been in an ultra super doper grind mode lately. What does that mean? Well it means I have been working very hard. I have been starting businesses left and right, and so far all of my startups have been extremely profitable. And I can give you five reasons why they will continue to be profitable.

1. Conventional wisdom teaches us to acquire assets when they are at a discount, and sell when they are at a premium. (What is an asset? An asset is something that makes you money, i.e. employees, billboards, computers, trucks, rental income properties, etc.) With unemployment reaching record highs, finding high quality part-time help is becoming easier and easier.
2. Cash is at an extreme discount for borrowing. Word just came out from the Federal Reserve that they expect interest rates to be at 0% in late January!!!!! (get ya credit together!)
3. Vendors are discounting their prices to increase business. For example, on a property I purchased last week for $3,000.00, I am able to get that property repaired and rentable for under $2,500.00! And get that property up to Section 8 standards, netting me $750.00. So the property will be completely free and clear in less than 8 months of receiving revenue!
4. With gas prices dropping daily, transportation services companies are looking to partner with owner operators for hauling freight.
5. With a new administration coming into office, their will be even more incentives to hire, and insure yourself and employees.

Now, I am not recommending going out and quitting your job and go new business starting cold turkey, but what I am recommending is that you should not be afraid to realize that we all have some degree of ingenuity, and that now is the perfect time to seek out opportunities to utilize our GOD given gift of creativity to feed and take care of ourselves.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Paying it backwards… A way to get our economy out of the hole.

Today while driving in my car I was listening to CNN and I heard the most interesting story. Apparently at a Starbucks out in Oregon, customers are paying for the person behind them in line at the drive thru. Now this phenomenon is catching on nationwide. While listening to this, I was in the drive thru at a Subway, and the person in front of me paid for my sandwich!

After experiencing getting paid backward, I decided that I had to pay it backward for someone else. Economic theory leads us to believe that the only way to get out of a recession is to spend. Conventional biblical wisdom also teaches us to that if we give that we shall receive. What a novel way to get out our current recessionary mess, by giving. I wonder that if we all began to give a little more instead of taking, how much better off we would be over all?

Monday, November 17, 2008

Friendship is Essential to the Soul

I joined a fraternity back in college over 10 years ago, because I really believed this to be something to be true. Today is the anniversary of my Fraternity, Omega Psi Phi, and founded 11/17/11 at Howard University. Looking back after all of this time, I am reflecting about my friendships that I have had over my lifetime. How many of them were true, how many of them were fake as hell, and how many of them I still have. And when I do this, I wonder, how many people can really say that they have true friends? I have had the majority of my friends for at least 15 years on average. Now I believe that is a good number considering that I have only been on this Earth for 33 years! I also reflect and think about how many of my friends I have spoken to lately and how many of my friends have been reconnecting with.

Many people don’t realize how much time and commitment it takes to be a true friend. I have been with several of my friends through good times and bad. Divorces, marriages and breakups. Jail time and free time. With kids and with no kids. I recall one time in particular, when I had a friend whose wife had just had his first daughter, and all of us fellas pitched in and we all made Thanksgiving dinner at their house. It was probably one of the most memorable and rewarding spiritually experiences I have ever had in my life. I pray that I can look back after another 15 years and I can still truly say that Friendship is Essential to the Soul.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

How does 700 Billion equal 5 trillion in less than 60 days? Let me count the ways..

Lets go back in time, lets say 60 days ago, we were paying something around 3.50 to close to 4.00 a gallon in some parts of the country, and "the market" finally realized that the mortgage market ponzi scheme that we had been running was finally up. Enter Hank Paulson, former CEO of Goldman Sachs, and also our current Treasury Secretary, with a great idea. After a three day closed door session, he and President Bush emerge with a three page document that essentially says that if we give his buddies on Wall Street 700 billion dollars, no questions asked, no oversight, that we can resolve this problem.. Never mind, that the Sec. of Treasury is a cabinet level appointed position. So when Bush is gone in 30 days, he is out of a job, after just giving 700 BILLION dollars to help out all of his homeboys!

Same time, same weekend, different conversation, Hank Paulson, gets on the horn with Billionaire Super Investor Warren Buffet, and Hank asks good ole' Warren for his input on the plan, and Warren gives him his go ahead. Warren then goes and makes an investment of about 3 billion dollars in a small company we know as General Electric, aka GE. And at the same time he "invests" another 5 billion in Hanks old company Goldman Sachs... Mind you Warren Buffet is the head of a publicly traded corporation. And when Martha Stewart got some "inside information" like that, it cost her her company and about 9 months in a federal penitentiary.

The Timeline of Crime
At the time of the beginning of the meltdown we had a deficit of 311 Billion after being in two wars for 5 plus years...

Congress goes into an uproar, and the 700 billion then becomes 850 billion! Now more than doubling our deficit.

One week later. We give AIG another 150 Billion..Now we are at 1 trillion.

US Treasury, (Hank Paulson and Dubya) announce after another closed door meeting with 5 banks that we are going to "invest" another 250 Billion dollars into an ownership stake into US Banks, oh yeah, Goldman Sachs is at that meeting as well. Now we are at 1.25 TRILLION Now triple the deficit.

Numerous states tel US Treasury, "Hey if we don't get at least 200 Billion by months end we will cease to operate." Now we are at 1.5 TRILLION..

Meanwhile, the stock market loses 2 TRILLION DOLLARS in market value in two weeks FLAT! That now means that the average 401(k) holder has to work an additional 8 years on average to make up for that loss!

I'm sorry I can't go on any further, all of that foolishness happened in less than two weeks.

Lets fast forward to today, 4 trillion dollars and a hangover that hasn't hit us yet, later, the US Treasury, Hank Paulson's outfit, gives GE, 158 BILLION dollars in the form of an investment...Wow. And we are arguing about giving the Big 3 Automakers 50 Billion to save 3 million American jobs??????????

If I showed you guys the math as to actually what Hank's "assistance" meant to ole Warren's the INCREASE in his "investment" you probably would be feeling as sick as I am right now. But I won't. Its probably better that you don't know. I have never wanted to be one known as a player hater but DAMN! Come on man?!?!?!?! Any thoughts????