Sunday, February 15, 2009

How to Stop Harassing Creditor Phone Calls

Every body who has had a bill at one time or another has been fortunate or should I say unfortunate enough to deal with a collection phone call or two. I know most every one has often wondered how to make these annoying phone calls stop. Heck, there are even commercials that people see that offer a “service” to get the harassing phone calls to stop. I can give you a sure fire way to stop the harassing phone calls. This can be completed in three easy steps. Here you go.

1.) Answer the phone. I know it sounds a bit facetious, but if you know you owe the bill, talk to the creditor. Often, you can negotiate a payment arrangement that will allow the phone calls to stop and even better you may be able to negotiate a settlement on a debt.
2.) Write a letter. There are certain protections that all debtors are given under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act which states, that if an individual requests in writing, that any future communications from the creditor be in writing only, then the phone calls must cease! Immediately! This is a protection that we all are afforded no matter how far behind we are on our bills.
3.) Send them something. I know it may sound tough, but Dave Ramsey often speaks about the “debt snowball”. A debt snowball is when you pay off all of the smallest bills first, then, just like a snowball rolling down a mountain to create an avalanche, pay off the largest bills last. You don’t know how many times I look at a credit report, and there are 5 or 6 collection bills that are under $50.00!

If you follow these steps, I am certain that the harassing if not annoying phone calls will cease.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is this from experiance? Have you ever owed $ to creditors? Hide but you can not run. We all pray for you.